#IAMUNITED is fan engagement campaign that galvanises Manchester United's global fanbase.
Manchester United is a global brand, with fans on every continent. Not all United fans are lucky enough to visit Old Trafford, and so it was down to the Club to establish a better means of connecting with them.
Manchester United hosted Fan Parties, bringing supporters together in large venues across the globe for screenings of matches. As an initiative orientated around the fans, it was important that tone of the campaign was of a humanistic nature.
My handwriting, used to scrawl out an evocative passage expressing the experience of being a Manchester United fan, has so far been seen by over 40,000 fans across international markets including New York, Jakarta, Kuwait and Delhi. As the primary graphic element in the overall campaign branding, the handwriting design has featured in international territories on backdrops, banners, posters, cinema screens, t-shirts and various other merchandise. It is also used on promotional materials for #IAMUNITED fan party events across Manchester United platforms such as manutd.com, Facebook and Twitter.
Campaign, Branding, Logo, Identity, Artworking, Filming & Editing on location in Kuwait